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Renewed Syllabus of Agadatantra for UG Course(BAMS)



Theory One Paper – 100 Marks

Practical/Viva voce -50 Marks

Theory -200 hrs

Practical - 100 hrs
Part- A
50 Marks
1Derivation, definition of Visha and Agadatantra. Scope of Agadatantra. Visha Utpatti, Visha Prabhava, Visha Pranaharana Kriya, Visha Guna, Visha Gati, Visha Vega Visha Sankata, Shanka Visha.
2Definition of toxicology, Definition of poison, suicidal and homicidal poisons, classification of poisons, their action and route of administration, absorption, excretion, metabolism, diagnosis and general principles of treatment, duties of a medical practitioner in case of suspected poisoning.
3Origin and Classification of Visha:-Its sources, Difference between Visha, Madya and Oja guna, Visha Upadrava and Visha Mukta Lakshana.
4Tests for detection of Visha, and Modern Toxicological Techniques of detection of poisons
Visha Data Lakshana, Visha Peeta Lakshana, Signs and symptoms of Visha afflicted organs and personal effects. (Poisoning with Anjana, Lepa paduka, Abharana etc.
5Introduction to Environmental Toxicology- Samuhika Vishaprayoga- effect of chemical and nuclear warfare.
6Vishopakrama described by Charak, General principles of Management of poisoning.
7Manifestation of poisoning due to poisons of plant origin their fatal Dose, fatal period, management of poisoning, post mortem appearance and its medico legal importance. Visha and Upavisha- Arka, Snuhi, Langali, Karaveera, Gunja, Ahiphena, Dhattura, Bhallataka, Vatsanabha, Kupeelu, Jayapala, Bhanga & Tobacco, Parthenium hysteriphorus, Chitraka, Eranda, Digitalis and Cerebra Odallam.
8Garavisha, Dooshivisha, Viruddhahara. Food adulteration and poisoning–classification,diagnosis, management and contemporary significance.
9Jangama Visha – Detailed study of Sarpa, Keeta, Loota, Vrischika, Mooshika, Alarka – Visha; Lakshana, Bheda, Chikitsa and their Sadhyasadhyata (contemporary and classical views).
10Introduction to poisoning due to Acids, Alkalis, metals, Non-metals, Asphyxiants and others, their Fatal Dose, Fatal period, Manifestation, management, medico legal
importance and postmortem appearance of poisoning due to:
a) Acid and Alkalis– Sulphuric acid, Hydrochloric acid, Nitric acid, Hydrocyanic acid, Oxalic acid, Carbolic acid, Formic acid, alkalis in general.
b)Asphyxiants – Carbon monoxide, Carbon dioxide, Hydrogen sulphide
c)Nonmetallic poisons – Phosphorous, Iodine
Metallic poisoning – Arsenic, Mercury, Lead, Copper, Zinc, Tin.
d)Others - Petroleum – Kerosene Organo phosphorus compounds -Aluminum phosphate, Organo Chlorinated Compounds, Household poisons.
11Madya and Madatyaya. Alcohol poisoning (Ethanol and Methanol).
12Introduction to Narcotic drugs and Psychotropic substances Act 1985.poisons act 1919,Drugs and cosmetics act1940,dangerous drugs act1930,pharmacy act1948

Part –B
50 Marks
1.Definition of Vyavahara Ayurveda (Forensic medicine) and Vidhivaidyaka (Medical jurisprudence), concise history of Vyavahara Ayurveda (Forensic medicine) and Vidhivaidyaka (Medical jurisprudence). Introduction to Indian Penal Code, Indian Evidence Act and Criminal Procedure Code.
2.Legal Procedures:- Inquest, Evidence, Witness, Courts and their powers.
3.Personal identity and its Medico legal aspects, forensic odontology, Introduction to Forensic Serology and DNA profiling.
4.Death and its Medico Legal Aspects, Medico Legal autopsy and exhumation.
5.Injuries and thermal injuries, their medico Legal aspects, general introduction of weapons.
6.Dowry deaths (Domestic Violence), their Medico Legal importance and laws in relation to it.
7.Asphyxial deaths and its Medico Legal importance.
8.Medico Legal importance of Pregnancy, Delivery; Impotence & Sterility, Abortion, Infanticide, battered baby. Virginity, Artificial Insemination, Legitimacy.
9.Sexual offences, and their Medico Legal aspects. Sexual perversions.
10.Introduction to Forensic psychiatry.
11.Introduction to forensic laboratory.
12.Ethics as in classical Texts. Types of Vaidya, Pranabhisara and Rogabhisara Vaidya, Qualities of Vaidya, Responsibilities of Vaidya, Chaturvidha Vaidyavrutti, Duties of Vaidya to his patient, Vaidya Sadvrittam, Apujya Vaidya, Code of conduct.
13.Laws in relation to Medical practitioners: Indian Medicine Central Council Act.
14.Maintenance of medical record.
15.Physician’s responsibility in criminal matters, Professional negligence, Civil negligence,
Criminal negligence, Medico Legal aspects of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, Rights of an unborn child, Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act Transplantation of human organs Bill 1994, Pre Natal Diagnostic Testing Act, Malingering of feigned diseases, International Code of Medical Ethics for Doctors. Clinical establishment Act. Consumer Protection Act 1986.
Practical Training
1.Post Mortem examination
2.Evidence in the court
3.Demonstrations in the Forensic & Toxicology museum

(Toxic & Anti toxic substances, medico legal specimens & Charts)

Clinical postings

Library Hours for compilation

Distribution of Practical Marks

Post Mortem examination and Court posting – Case Record
10 Marks
Practical/Clinical Record Book
10 Marks
Identification (spotting)
10 Marks
Viva – voce
20 Marks
50 Marks
Reference Books
1.Topics related to Agada Tantra from Charak Samhita, Sushrut Samhita, Ashtanga Hridaya, Ashtanga Samgraha, Kasyapa Samhitha, Yogaratnakara, Bhavaprakasha and Madhava Nidana.
Vidhivaidyaka (Vyavahar Ayurveda Vijnan)
Dr.Charuchandra Pathak
Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology
Edited by Vd.Govardhan
Agada Tantra
Sh. Ramanath Dwivedi
Text book of Agada Tantra
Edited by Dr Huparikar, Dr.Joglekar
Agadatantra ki Pathyapustaka
Edited By Dr Huparikar,

Agad Tantra
Dr. Shekher Namboodri
Vaidya Balakrishnan Nair, Kerala

(Ayurveda Toxicology English Translation)

Medical Ethics and Medical Laws in India
Dr. H.S. Mehta
Toxicology Ayurvedic Perspective
VPSV Ayurveda college Kottakkal
Kautilya Arthashastra (English)
Prof. Kangle
Kautilya Arthashastra (Hindi)
Dr. Raghunath Singh
Vyavahar Ayurveda
Dr.Ayodhya Prasad Achal
Vyavahar Ayurveda Vigyanam
Dr.Indramohan Jha (Sachchan)
Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
Dr. V.V.Pillay
Forensic Medicine
Dr. B. Umadathan
Relevant Acts
Govt. of India
Relevant topics from Manu Smriti

Renewed by Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM) in the year 2013


  1. theory lecturer of agadtantra is 200 in one year or 100 please confirm it might be printing mistake

  2. I learn new information from your article , you are doing a great job . Keep it up !! Doctors day greetings

