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An open clinical trial on the efficacy of Eri thailam in the management of Jangama Vishaja Shopha.

An open clinical trial on the efficacy of 
Eri thailam in the management of
Jangama Vishaja Shopha.

Dr.Gopikrishna S.
Under the guidance of
Dr. S.R. Manju, MD(Ay), D.A.T. &Dr. C. Vijayalakshmi, MD(Ay), D.A.T.


Background & objectives:
Even though we have reached to great heights in the health care system in our nation, we are not yet able to manage effectively the bite of poisonous animals which has been and is one of the greatest threats in rural parts. Today also many cases of mortality are heard due to poisonous bites; due to non availability of timely medical aid. To a greater extend, many cases are also saved by local practitioners who are treating such emergencies with confidence over the herbal and mineral drugs. But they seldom come to the limelight. To know their importance in Visha Chikitsa field such an attempt is made; also to know how much potent their medicines are in Visha emergencies. This study drug is one such medicine which has saved many people from bite induced poison.       

An Open Clinical trial was done during the period from March 2006 – September 2007 in Agada Tantra O.P., Govt Ayurveda College, Thiruvananthapuram. Total thirty subjects suffering from Jangama Vishaja Shopha satisfying inclusion criteria were selected and divided randomly in three groups. Group I received Eri Thailam six drops twice daily for external application, Group II was given Punarnavadi Kashayam 60 ml. twice daily internally and group III was given both the treatment modalities for two days. On the next two days they were kept under observation without medicines. Thorough clinical assessment was done before and after the treatment. The results were analyzed statistically. 

Results were observed on fifth day after completion of the treatment. Both the drugs individually showed highly significant results in reducing the Shopha by paired t test. Drugs also proved effective in reducing other associated symptoms of Jangama Visha. But when compared in between the groups, result was insignificant. Laboratory investigations also give the same picture in the results.  

Interpretation & conclusion:

Though both the drugs individually were highly significant, on account of percentage of relief obtained, it was found that Eri Thailam was more effective in the management of Jangama Vishaja Shopha as compared to Punarnavadi Kashayam especially in Vata and Kaphaja predominant Shopha. The drug was also found to be effective in reducing the associated symptoms like pain, itching sensation and redness to the considerable level, so as for the acute cases.   


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